Sunday, 21 January 2018

Restoration of a tackle box

I picked up this wooden box off of eBay a few weeks ago for the other half to give to me for Xmas. I had only seen the photos which weren't brilliant and had found similar on Roger Surgay's tackle exchange so had a reasonable idea what the score was. I wanted a traditional wooden box that allowed safe storage of floats as well as other terminal tackle. This fit the bill with a double float box section as I enjoy what seems to be dying art of float fishing. I also liked the removable section originally designed for split shot, though I think it will most likely be used for legers or little bits like swivels and so forth.  Anyway, on inspection it was very sound, a little tired in places, particularly the corners.
So, plan, strip the box down, rub down, re-paint the outside, stain the inside. Add a new section of foam that seals the small split shot section, and insert new float foam in the float storage section. New catches if required, one is not catching but I think it's just it's position as it seems ok. Also would like some brass corners to reinforce the box.
The box is made by PREDATOR brand, no idea if it's a collector's item, my Google Fu hasn't turned anything up on it so time to customise to my liking without feeling like a villain.
I've stripped it down, no issues until the last hinge where two screws sheared inside the wood so will have to either move the hinges along or try and extract the broken parts.
A complete rub down of all the surfaces followed. Now, I was going to nitromors the outside but the stuff is very aggressive, stinky, messy and not always effective. I have elected for a rub down to key the surface, I would like to do the box in Burgundy or dark green, so I will update you in the next part how that goes. May have to go back to black yet.
Inside the box while rubbing down I found that every different grade, finish and quality of ply wood had been used in the construction. I was hoping to light stain it but on inspection I decided for a darker finish. The floats will certainly pop against that colour! The only piece I'm keeping light is the lift out section, I think it will contrast nicely and is made out of the nicest piece of ply in the whole box.
A first coat of dark wood sheen suitable for external woods has been painted on and went on mostly ok.
Letting it dry which is fairly quick with this stuff and I will then do the other side of the trays. Below are some pics up to this point.

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